Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Plans

I'm going to the beach!!! Woooh! Just like every other senior!

I'm not doing a "beach week" though.  I'm just going down to this nice resort near Nag's Head NC with my friend Anne-Marie who goes to south lakes.  We've been like best friends since like fourth grade so it should be awesome. 

The resort sounds awesome from their website.  There's a distinct possibility we will never leave it the entire week we're there.  It has windsurfing and biking and sailing and restaurants and kayaking and beaching and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember.  Mostly I'm looking forward to the food.  There hasn't been good food in my house for ages.

After that I'm hopefully going to be working.  I applied for a job as a math tutor at NOVA, and I talked to the guy that runs the Marina where I sail about teaching youth sailing classes there.  I'm learning all the ins and outs of being obnoxious enough to remind them to give me a job but not quite so obnoxious that they don't want to hire me.

In between is orientation and a week at my friend's beach house (which involves a lot of tubing and wake boarding and killing brain cells) and hopefully a concert. I've never been to a concert, so that's my goal for the summer.

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