Sunday, January 8, 2012


I don't know how handicapping works, so, I'm just list who I think is going to have the best chance of getting the nomination, from least likely to most likely.

Bachman's out, but she'd be last.
Then there's Perry. I thought he was going to drop out too, especially after spending so much for so little in Iowa.
After that there's Ron Paul. He might be getting more attention, but he'd never get the nomination because of his liberal social views.
John Huntsman. Also never going to happen.
Rick Santorum is tooooooo conservative. It's kinda scary. He wouldn't get the nomination because he would never win the general election. He has no middle appeal.
Newt Gingrich has a chance, even though he's recently lost a lot of popularity. He's nice and republican, but not too much.
Mitt Romney. He has the best organization, plenty of money, the most middle of the road platform and has the best chance against Obama. That being said, the GOP doesn't like him and has been systematically going through all the other options till they ran out of steam.
Chris Christie.

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