Sunday, November 20, 2011

All that Perfect Hair

Rick Perry is a perfect candidate.  If you go by looks.  He's got that rugged, I'm a tough American vibe going, yet balances that with perfectly coiffed hair. The #1 Reason He Would Win: He's that BA president we've always wanted.

Until opens his mouth.

Perry's lead has evaporated since the Iowa straw poll. It's not enitrely because of his gaffs, his brain freeze turned out to be a little less severe in my mind than Cain's, but race is entirely subjective.  He's ceased to be interesting.  Cain has taken over the spotlight.

In terms of actual issues/qualifications, his plans would be very attractive to republicans/anyone who hates taxes.  He's touting the flat tax along with some of the other candidates, despite the fact that it is simply not a good idea. And thats the #1 Reason Why He Would Lose: hopefully Americans are intelligent enough to realize that cutting taxes when the government is 15 trillion in debt isn't a good thing to vote for. Why would any middle class/ working class family want to pay as much as a millionaire?

They Smile like that just before they Disappear

The above cartoon,drawn by Tom Toles for the Washington post, compares Cain to the Chesire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. Cain is the one with the ridiculous grin, and his political adviser plays the part of the smoking caterpillar. It's a caricature - emphasizing specific characteristics of each person involved. The caption, "They smile like that just before they disappear" refers to Cain's campaign in general.  The cartoonist is hinting that Cain's candidacy will not last much longer, though without referencing specifics such as the sexual harassment allegations or his inability to remember his stance on Libya.